webpage resources:
w3schools godsend for beginners on neocities
html-css-js html, css, and js cheat sheets with live preview editor full of all sorts of resources, generators, and inspiration
hekate quizzes, resources, generators, and more
betty's graphics collection of old web graphics
websetsbylynn resources and generators for neocities pages
repth resources, graphics, and theme templates for neocities
almostsweet theme templates for neocities
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rarebit webcomic template for neocities
scripted code examples and tutorials for carrd and neocities
lovely designs free graphics and website templates
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catbox file storage and sharing site
html-css-js html, css, and js cheat sheets with live preview editor full of all sorts of resources, generators, and inspiration
hekate quizzes, resources, generators, and more
betty's graphics collection of old web graphics
websetsbylynn resources and generators for neocities pages
repth resources, graphics, and theme templates for neocities
almostsweet theme templates for neocities
zonelets blogging template for neocities
rarebit webcomic template for neocities
scripted code examples and tutorials for carrd and neocities
lovely designs free graphics and website templates
fool lovers japanese site with excellent website resources
backgrounds with emma tiling backgrounds
magic pattern css backgrounds
css gradients css gradients
color names color names for web dev
css hover effects cool css hover effects
gifcities easily searchable archive of gifs from geocities
catbox file storage and sharing site
webpage extras:
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web neko fun kitty for your website
status cafe fun status for your website
imood show your mood on your website
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the world of kaoani collection of kaoani graphics
css templates:
design stuff:
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lunapic image editor
ezgif gif editor
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music stuff:
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CARI resrouce dedicated to consumer aesthetic research
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windows 93 interactive web OS
SCP wiki creative writing site centered around fiction nonfiction
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space email send and receive mail from any point of time
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NSFW just trust me
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nukochannel archive dedicated to a cute cat mascot
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pointerpointer shows pictures of people pointing where your cursor is
random color generates a random color each time the page is refreshed
jspaint microsoft paint in your browser using javascript
garfield jim davis' garfield comics
noclip explore the out of bounds areas of classic video game maps
windows 93 interactive web OS
SCP wiki creative writing site centered around fiction nonfiction
17776 a cool sports article about what football might look like in the future
space email send and receive mail from any point of time
learnMMD mikumikudance downloads and tutorals
put it on a pedestal play museum
NSFW just trust me
drawing garden drag your mouse around to create an emoji garden
remoji emoji party
crouton crouton
picture of a hot dog picture of a hot dog
nukochannel archive dedicated to a cute cat mascot
eel slap slap a guy with an eel
stinky meat website dedicated to stinky meat
endless horse infinitely tall horse
pointerpointer shows pictures of people pointing where your cursor is
random color generates a random color each time the page is refreshed