i'm not sure exactly what to do yet but there will probably be links to a bunch of other stuff on here...

2.20.24 hello beautiful internet angels! coding has hit me like crack once again so i cannot stop working on this beautiful website of mine. some updates of note are that i finally have filled out the bottom of this page with various people's buttons. if you have my button on your site and i don't have yours on here, please let me know! i also finally added my graphics page and that has steadily been filling out and will continue to do so overtime as i continue to amass more and more delightful pngs and gifs mostly in the form of blinkies, buttons, and stamps. i'm also currently working on overhauling my home page so stay tuned for that! this is my favorite page on my site right now and i would love for the rest of my site to have this level of detail some day too!
2.18.24 holy shit it's been forever. so many life things have happened since the last update but probably the funniest of which is that i have gotten so insanely obsessed with one piece (after YEARS of saying i would never get into it) that i have completely neglected everything else in my life like a total dweeb. sometimes the autism really does control your life more than you can control it. i currently am not sure what i want to do with the site, i feel quite bad for neglecting it but it has never left my heart or mind. i can't tell if i want to completely rework it or at the very least finish what i started originally. there are just so many broken things that i need to clean up and fix as well. thank you to all the people who have left messages in my chatbox and my now defunct guestbook during my absence, it makes me very happy to see that people love my disaster of a website
6.22.23 it has been absolute ages since my last blog post i have been so busy and dealing with a lot of crazy mental health issues but i really missed working on this site and all the really cool people on it. im going to try to make an effort to work on my site more and fill out more of the pages not just the ones linked here on my misc page. i especially really need to work on the section of my site that talks about my projects because i've been really crazy into those lately. i honestly think sometimes that my ocs are the only thing that can keep me sane in this economy. in other news did you guys hear about that fucking submarine?
1.18.23 i just finished my links page finally and filled it with all sorts of goodies. it's going to be updated semi-regularly as i keep finding more cool stuff on the web. next thing i'm gonna do is start working on the other links in my navigation that still need pages
1.3.23 new year new me. i also got added to the vocaloid webring so that section is looking a little less barren ^_^ in other news i have been playing pokemon violet and got really into shiny hunting, i've gotten around 5 in the past 48 hours alone and i'm on an adrenaline rush that isn't stopping anytime soon. oh i also started producing music??? might start posting that on my site too soon if it works out
12.23.22 this update came really fast but i just wanted to say i did a bit of reorganizing on here and made things generally a lot cleaner and went ahead and finally added a chatbox and my guestbook which anyone can use :) i also turned the bottom box in my sidebar into a sort of image dump because i couldn't decide what else to do with it right now. it currently houses a bunch of my blinkies and some other images but i'm still going to probably make a page that has all my favorite graphics (blinkies, buttons, stamps, etc) in one place later. hugs and kisses
12.22.22 teehee so this whole page right now is a HEAVY work in progress i probably will not be satisfied with it for a long time but that's okay cause its just my silly little misc page... it's arguably the least important page on my site but because of that i also am able to have the most fun with it which is why it is so crazy here O_O anyway this might be it for the first "update"... if you're reading this i'm giving you a kiss on the lips also.

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